3 perbandingan ak47 vs famas free fire beberapa ar bahkan cocok untuk digunakan di jarak agak dekat seperti scar atau m4a1. I know many level 50 player who use famas as.

Free Fire Tips And Tricks To Get Booyah Every Time Gaming
Famas vs scar free fire. 1 famas famas shoot 3 bullet at one time. Xm8 vs scar free fire. To find out which weapon is truly better well have to look at the statistics to hopefully get an answer. Scar is known as a balanced stable and easy to use ar gun for beginners. The scar deals more damage per shot but it doesnt have the fast and high burst damage that the famas can deal. The scar is more accurate but it cant shoot as many bullets in one quick peek.
However xm8 has a higher accuracy point than scar. Tetapi disini kita akan membicarakan mengenai ak dan famas dimana kedua senjata ini sangat kuat di jarak menengah dan jauh. The ultimate titan scar skin is one of the most lethal gun skins available in free fire and gives a bright green fluorescent finish to the gunwith. This feature makes famas a very complex gun to use. 1 million special game play free fire live with tonde gamer tonde gamer 6161 watching live now perbandingan senjata scar vs famas di garena free fire lebih bagus mana. Dark world gaming 9017 views.
Reload speed accuracy. Cupid scar vs dragon ak vs earth m4a1 vs moon famas free fire duration. Both xm8 and scar are stable and accurate. Famas ou scar qual escolher em cada situação. Senjata jenis assault rifle ar ini merupakan senjata dengan tingkat akurasi menengah. In other words if you press the fire bottom while using famas you will shoot 3 bullets to your enemy.
Therefore it has been one of the most favorite weapons in this game for a long time. World series vs imperial rome free fire mana skin paling yahud buat famas ff. Senjata ini merupakan senjata yang cocok dipakai untuk jarak menengah dan jauh.